SECME (South Eastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering ) recommends our program.
We exhibited at the World Space Expo - "a showcase of global space exploration" held at Kennedy Space Center 2007 National RFTS Competition winners from 2007 - 2011 celebrated at the October Sky Festival . The RFTS Competition is hosted annually at the Festival.
COSROCS is a model rocket club with NAR sanctioning that operates in Colorado Springs, Colorado.   Dr. Warren Layfield , Education Director & TARC Mentor promotes our program and competition.
HOME Friends & Associates
The RFTS ~ National Rocket Competition is endorsed by Vanguard Spacecraft's Steve McGrath - designer of the X-PRIZE Eagle
G.WIZ the Hands-On Science Museum in Sarasota
It is here that Jack earned his nickname - 'The Rocketman'
National Association of Rocketry sets the safety standards for model rocketry.
NAR honors the RFTS National Winners at the celebration.
The artwork of Astronaut & Moonwalker, Alan Bean is proudly displayed on all Reach for the Stars Certificates
ROCK is a model rocket club with NAR sanctioning that operates in Orlando,Florida.  Sam Crupi, Education Director & TARC Mentor promotes our program and competition.
EdExploreSRQ & the Community Foundation provide funding to schools in Sarasota, Florida RocketSTEM Media Foundation is working to help promote the
Reach for the Stars ~ National Rocket Competition
Institute of Competition Sciences (ICS) exists to support students in realizing the full potential of their future. Promoting RFTS since 2012
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